The Weatheralls Primary School


Welcome to our Nursery page, below you will find further information about our nursery provision and what we offer to children within our early years setting. We currently have two Early Years Classes which are a combination of pre-School aged children (3-4 years old) and reception aged children (4 and 5 years old).

Apply for a nursery place

Nursery Terms & Conditions

Our Team

Early Years Team (ID 1056)

Learning and Development

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Person, Social and Emotional Development

Our aim is that during early years your child will:

  • Be happy, confident and secure in their environment
  • Have new learning experiences through play, practical activities, sharing ideas, investigating and exploring
  • Be encouraged toward independence both academically and personally

Our aim is also to work with parents to:

  • Make strong links between home and school so that the children can transfer their learning between the two
  • Involve and support you, as parents/carers, to help your child in their overall development

Our Nursery Setting

We offer our nursery children a large indoor and outdoor learning space with a Qualified Early Years Teacher and highly skilled Early Years Practitioners. 

Children are part of the whole school community with opportunities to take part in school events, use the full range of school resources and access to the Early Years Forest School area.  This allows them to become familiar with school life before they move into mainstream education. 

A Typical Day in Early Years

The school day starts at 8.40am and the doors close at 8.50am for registration.

Children have a healthy snack provided. 

Lunch is between 11.45am - 12.45pm, they have 30 minutes to eat and 30 minutes of playtime on the Reception playground.

The school day finishes at 3.00pm, when children are picked up from their classroom door.

Age of Children in Nursery

Will your child be 3 on or before 31 August 2024?

We take children from the term after their 3rd birthday (September, January and Easter intakes).


Count Me In - How to Complete Declaration Form 

Count Me In Declaration Form 

We offer 30 hours of nursery provision a week for those families who are eligible for 30 hour entitlement funding, with our sessions running from 8.40am until 3pm, during term times.

To check if you are eligible for the 30 hour entitlement please use the Cambridgeshire guidance.

If you are not eligible for 30 hours but would like your child to attend afternoon sessions, these can be purchased at £30 per day for 3-4 year olds. 

Parents must sign their child up in advance for each half term and sessions are paid in advance.

Contact Us

To find out more information about our nursery, including how to apply for a place, please contact the school office: 01353 720456 or for further information.

To express interest or apply for a place at our nursery please complete this form.

To view our nursery terms and conditions please click here.