Welcome to Early Years
The Early Years team would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and outline some of the exciting learning that will be taking place throughout the year.
We aim to support all children in the early years to become confident, creative individuals who are encouraged to take risks, work together and problem solve. Children will learn the skills needed to become independent thinkers who adapt their ideas and enhance their own learning through hands on, exploratory play where new learning is celebrated and new experiences are planned for.
Collaboration is one of the main links to success and we thank you, in advance, for your support throughout the year. It really does make a difference!
Our Staff
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Greenham, Mrs Stanley, Mrs Baker, Mrs Cochrane
Lunchtime support: Miss Blades |
Early Years Presentation for September 2024 New Pupils
Curriculum Map
Maths - For nursery and reception age children, we will be following the White Rose scheme and incorporating activities and resources from the Mastering the Curriculum initiative.
Nursery aged children will be following planning focusing on phase 1 Listening and Attention skills. Their learning will cover the 7 main aspects:
1. General sound discrimination - environmental
2. General sound discrimination – instrumental
3. Body percussion
4. Rhythm and Rhyme
5. Alliteration
6. Voice sounds
7. Oral blending & Segmenting
Reception phonics follows the Little Wandle scheme of work focusing on phase 2 in the Autumn term, phase 3 throughout the Spring term and phase 4 in the Summer term.
We plan a topic-based curriculum, focusing on the children’s interests as well as the development of skills, enabling all children to become ready for their next transition. This learning is recorded in the form of a floor book with all children contributing throughout the week to this. The curriculum is fluid, based on the interests of our children and may change throughout the year.
PE Days
Our PE days in the Early Years, are a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Children are asked to come to school in PE kits on these days.
Useful Information
We have a large outside area that all children have access throughout the day therefore children need appropriate footwear and clothing for the weather. We encourage wellington boots to stay in school so that they are always available when required.
Please see our Welcome Booklet for lots more helpful information:
joining reception 2024 wea updated.pdf
What to expect in the EYFS - A Guide for Parents
what to expect in the eyfs a guide for parents 1 .pdf
Useful Websites