The Weatheralls Primary School

Welcome to Nurture

Our nurture group supports children throughout the school with their social, emotional and mental wellbeing. We use the Nurture principles which are based on attachment models (Bowlby 1969) to enable children to support children develop their social and emotional skills. We aim to help children feel more successful at school and develop resilience throughout formal and informal learning opportunities with smaller groups of children.

Nurture Principles:

  1. Children’s Learning is understood developmentally.
  2. The classroom offers a safe base.
  3. Nurture is important for development of self- esteem.
  4. Language is understood as a vital means of communication.
  5. All behavior is communication.
  6. Transitions are significant in the lives of children.

Our Staff

Van Gogh class banner, image of Van Gogh painting

Our Nurture group class name is 'Van Gogh' and is run by a trained Nurture group leader and is supported by 3 experienced teaching assistants. We have two rooms which aim to provide a home like environment for the children incorporating smaller learning areas. The children have access to comfy book areas with chairs and sofas, a snack area, continuous provision providing access to play and crafts, and each child has their own calm den to give them their own dedicated space and a sense of belonging in the group.

A Typical Day in Nurture Group

1. Morning register and emotional check in

2. Topic based English activities

3. Snack time and outside play time

4. Math's activities

5. Lunch

6. Afternoon register and emotional check in

7. Theory of the mind circle time sessions.

8. Nurture activities such as:

  • Forest schools
  1. Crafts afternoons
  2. Premier sports
  3. Soft play sessions
  4. Sensory activities
  5. Cookery
  6. Trips out into our local community

Each day ends with a reflection time as a group, juice and biscuits and a story.

The children also access daily one to one reading, short burst phonics lessons and interventions linked to their Boxall profiles.

Boxall Profile

At The Weatheralls, we use the Boxall Profile as part of our toolkit to develop a holistic understanding of each child. Children accessing the nurture group support are assessed to add an understanding of the child’s social and emotional wellbeing to the academic results we track. This allows us to target our support within Nurture Group more effectively, as well as measure a child’s progress towards a particular goal.

The Boxall Profile is a widely recognised diagnostic assessment of a child’s social and emotional aptitudes. It was developed through many years of research by Educational Psychologist, Marjorie Boxall and has been used widely in schools and for research for over 20 years.

The profile enables targeted planning for teaching, taking into account specific strengths and weaknesses. The assessments inform the following term’s planning to meet the needs of each individual child.

Children who access Nurture Group support are assessed using the Boxall Profile termly,