The Weatheralls Primary School

Welcome to Year 4

The Year 4 team would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and outline some of the exciting learning that will be taking place this year. We aim to challenge the children to become independent learners as well as provide opportunities to develop team work. We explore a range of possibilities throughout the year and particularly on our trip to Thorpe Woodlands. We thank you, in advance, for your support throughout the year. It really does make a difference!

Our Classes & Staff

 Class banner featuring work by artist Hockney.  Class teachers Mrs Wild and Mrs Munnelly

Class banner featuring work by artist Riley.  Class teacher Mrs Walsh

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Martin

Curriculum Map

curriculumn overview 2024 2025 year 4.pdf

PE Days

4A Tuesday & Friday
4B Tuesday & Friday

Useful Information 

Year 4 pupils undertake the multiplication tables check in June. The purpose of the check is to make sure the times tables knowledge is at the expected level. It is an online test were the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12.

Reading Spine

Below is a recommended list of books for Year 4 children, we have copies of these in school and will be looking at a variety of them throughout the year.  Please feel free to discuss these with your child/encourage them to read these books or others by these authors.  Please contact your class teacher if you’d like to discuss these books or receive other recommendations.

year 4 reading list.pdf

Useful Websites

Purple Mash by 2Simple

Times Tables Rock Stars (

Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (